According to the players, the sudden take -off of Diablo 4 in Steam is the work of the bots
Such a phenomenon as user reviews that bots write is not something new, it often happens on many e-commerce platforms, and it is obvious that someone managed to do this for Diablo 4 on Steam. However, Diablo 4 is one of those video games, the opinion of which can change from month to month, or even from week to week, so tracking the dynamics of players’ assessments is extremely important and not easy. Especially if, according to VG247, there are suspicions that user reviews in Steam about Diablo 4 were " Wound" A whole pile of bots.
Indeed, now on the page of the Blizzard game on Steam there is a great discrepancy between the general opinion, t.e. from the moment of launch to this day, and the last, t.e. According to reviews published over the past 30 days. If the general rating is Diablo 4 – "average" with 67% positive reviews, then fresh rating – "Mostly positive" with 76% positive reviews. This in itself is strange, taking into account the absence of any serious updates or innovations, so that the community is unlikely to suddenly changed its opinion about Diablo 4 without any real reason.
Such an unexpected turn of events attracted the attention of the public, which decided to understand this issue on Reddit and found a number of serious discrepancies. As can be seen from the above screenshot, all the latest user reviews are almost identical, despite the fact that they were published by different Steam users. At the same time, all reviews were left exclusively on November 23, which coincides with the last free weekend of the Steam game, and were written exactly after 19.1 hours of the game, which is suspicious for a series of people. At the same time, the reviews are signed "-Blizzard" – The wording, which was replaced by "+xxxx", As soon as the story appeared on Reddit.
Even more strange is the fact that in the vast majority of these accounts there are only a few games in the Steam library, most of which are Free-to-Play, and the number of game hours in each of the top games is calculated by thousands (an example can be seen here), which can become a serious alarm.
So what is happening here? It is unlikely that Blizzard will stand behind this as a way to raise the Diablo 4 rating in Steam. Firstly, Steam is not the main Blizzard platform; Diablo 4 has already earned most of the money in Battle.NET and other services, therefore it is not a fact that Blizzard seeks to change the situation from the point of view of the rating in Steam.
A more logical explanation, if accounts still turn out to be bots, there may be the fact that someone or several people manage several of them as a commercial structure. Analyzing many games, spending time on this and t.D., They can subsequently sell their services to unscrupulous publishers who want to increase the popularity of their games – in the form of reviews in Steam.
This can be a trick that allows you to simply get free copies of games, thereby creating the authority of the account, no matter how dubious it is. Be that as it may, we are talking about a very interesting event in the field of reviews in Steam, which is really worth paying attention to.